
Event Information

2023 東京IYAC賞插画大奖赛正式启动

2023 Tokyo IYAC Award Illustration Yearbook Exhibition

From the time of the explosion of life during the Cambrian Era, through the era of the Nautilus Ocean, the Devonian era, the fern forests, to the world of the dinosaurs in the Cretaceous; and from the age of mammals to the arrival of humans, one sees the magic and power of life during the Earth’s 4.6 billion years of existence.  Across the vastness of space and time, we can appreciate the diversity of life and its evolution by studying the ecology of forests.  Forests make the processes of life visible, sharing the joy of the changing seasons -- the flourishing of spring and summer, the trees sculpting in autumn and winter.  Decay and death, vitality and renewal, the cycle continues.

—— Dr. John Francis Larner

Creative Theme

With this theme of  “Forest Story,” we bring together stories of forests, both mysterious and urban.  These depict the story of evolution on Earth, the fascinating and often strange world of biology, the synchronized and overlapping heartbeat of nature and human beings.

Our call also aims to allow young artists to use painting to gain a deeper understanding of the world we live in, to use their brushes and imagination to explore creatures and their environment, and to examine the complex and intimate interrelationship between human beings and living things.

Activity Introduction

The IYAC Art Competition adopts the world's first (and currently the only) "Youth Art League" competition system, which is supported and recognized by many authoritative media. (The latest standard number: "IYAC-2021-06 International Youth Children's Painting Evaluation Standard"). This is an international picture book competition that aims to promote children's creativity and enrich children's literature within the context of education.

Prizes & Awards

1 Best Creative Award 200000 yen

2 Best Color Awards 60000 yen
10 Best visual awards  10000 yen
①Student awards: Gold Award, Silver Award, Bronze Award, Rising Star Award, Excellence Award and other awards.
②Tutor awards: tutoring students with more than 10 awards (including 10) teachers will be awarded the excellent academic guidance award.
③Organizational awards: selected students to win more than 30 (including 30) collective will be awarded the excellent school / institutional pioneer art award.

International Co-Hosts

Contemporery Art Center of New York

Asia Artists Association of USA

Kyoto Chinese Painting And Calligraphy Academy

Kyoto International Conference Center

CAFC Youth Art Center

St. Petersburg Arts Center Russia

Japan Chinese Literature and Artists Federation

Japan South Wind Ink Painting Association

Tokyo Drunken Ink Association

Japan International Cultural Exchange Assoclation

Japan-Hiroshima International Calligraphy and Art Exchange Association

Tokyo Ink Painting Inkan Society

Work Requirements

A. There is no restriction on the form of art creation, and art creators can choose more diversified expressions (photography is not supported).

B. IYAC retains the original Academy Award" comprehensive works entry, mainly sketching works, calligraphy, painting works, no limitation of subject matter.

C. There is no limit to the size of works.

D. Only one entry per person.

E. The entrant must promise that the work submitted is original and that he/she owns all the intellectual property rights of the work.

Entry Requirements

Due to the large age range of the contestants, in order to ensure the fairness of this contest, all entries will be divided into the following four groups according to the age of the authors and will be judged separately.

A: Children's group (under 6 years old)

B: Primary school group (7-12 years old)

C: Junior high school group (13-15 years old)

D: High school group (16-18 years old)

Competition Schedule

2022.10.15 - 2022.12.30

Submissions for the final round

2022.12.31 - 2023.1.9

Selection of the best works for the 2023 TOKYO IYAC Yearbook


The final judging results will be announced on the official microblog: IYAC International Youth Art Competition, the Official website:


2023 Tokyo IYAC Yearbook Show Award Ceremony    

Competition Rules

Selection System

①The judging process abides by the principles of openness, fairness and impartiality.

②The preliminary works adopt the global mentorship system for the preliminary evaluation: the best works of students are selected from within the institution/school to participate.

③The finalists will be re-evaluated by the judging committee and all the lists will be publicized.

Publication of Yearbook

The organizing committee will organize a jury to review the final evaluation of the entries, and all outstanding works will be published in the yearbook "2023 TOKYO IYAC" and awarded with the award certificate and badge. The organizing committee has the right to explain the exhibition and the publication of the yearbook.

Entry method

The entries should be submitted electronically in a unified file folder. The folder should be named: collective name + number of people. (Example: Center for Contemporary Art, New York, USA + 100) The folder should contain
Entry form + photo of the work (the name of the photo of the work is the serial number of the entry form), limited to one work, and the last submitted work is the entry work. The photo should be no less than 1MB.
Send to the organizing committee at

Statement: The Organizing Committee has the right to publish, publicize, promote, print, exhibit and other related rights for all entries.

Museum for exhibition


Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York


Tokyo Artizon Museum


Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum


Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum


Zhejiang Provincial Art Museum

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Contact us
Ms. Hong +86 19106592268
IYAC International Art Competition China Organizing Committee 0571-86521900